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Hand Sewing: Whip Stitch
(aka Overcast Stitch)
On this page you will find two tutorials; one which teaches you how to whip stitch a seam or a raw edge of fabric, and one which teaches you how to whip stitch a hem.
The whip stitch is probably the fastest and easiest of all the hand sewing stitches, so is perfect for beginners.
It is often used for hemming or for repairing holes and tears in clothing, but you'll also see it used in a wide range of sewing projects, from stuffed toys to curtains. It can also be added to raw edges to help prevent fraying, and even used on thick fabrics.
Basically, it's a very versatile all-purpose stitch!
Please find the video lessons below:

F i n d H a n d S e w i n g S u p p l i e s o n A m a z o n :
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