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K2Tog and K3Tog Decreases

Useful Single & Double Decrease Techniques

In knitting, a 'decrease' is a method used to reduce the number of stitches on your needles. Decreases are usually carried out part-way through knitting a row.

A single decrease reduces the overall number of stitches by 1.

A double decrease reduces the overall number of stitches by 2.

If you couldn't do a decrease, you wouldn't be able to shape your knitting; you would just be stuck knitting rectangles forever. And that's no fun!

On this website I have put up lessons for a range of decreases, as well as a range of increases. Increases and decreases work together to help you knit any shape you like. Even a trapezium.

On this page I will be teaching you how to do the k2tog (which is a single decrease) and the k3tog (which is a double decrease.)

The k2tog in particular is a very popular technique.

K2tog = knit two stitches together.

K3tog = knit three stitches together.

Both are right leaning decreases, which means they appear to lean slightly to the right when viewed from the front of your work. I'll expand more on this point in another lesson.

Here is the video tutorial:

K2Tog and K3Tog Decreases

Basically, the k2tog is where you knit two stitches (from the left hand needle) together. You work this in the same way as you would work just one regular knit stitch, it's just that you need to pick up 2 stitches rather than 1.

The k3tog is the same method, but with three stitches being knit together instead.

I hope that is clear for you.

Thanks for watching :)

K2Tog and K3Tog Decreases
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