Chevron Lace Stitch Pattern
Horizontal Zigzag Stripes made using Yarn Over Eyelets
This pretty lace design has a repeating pattern of chevrons or zig-zags along its length.
It is a 10-row repeat, so it might seem complicated but you only need to know how to knit and purl, as well as how to do a yarn over and a couple of common decrease techniques.
First you will need to cast on a multiple of 10 stitches, and then add 1 (with the minimum total number you need to cast being 21).
I used double knit yarn which is a medium weight, although a finer yarn would create a more delicate result.
Row 1 (and all other odd-numbered rows) (WS): p
Row 2: *k5, yo, ssk, k3
Repeat from * until there is 1 stitch left, then k1
Row 4: *k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2
Repeat from * until there is 1 stitch left, then k1
Row 6: *k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1
Repeat from * until there is 1 stitch left, then k1
Row 8: *k1, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, ssk
Repeat from * until there is 1 stitch left, then k1
Row 10: k2tog, yo, k7, *yo, sk2po, yo, k7
Repeat from * until there is 1 stitch left, then yo, ssk
(Where WS = wrong side, k = knit stitches and p = purl stitches).
To finish any lace knitting project, 'blocking' your knitting makes it look neater and more professional.
I hope you found this video helpful :)